
Same Old Janice

As many of you know, today was Mom's second day of her second round of chemotherapy and she is doing just fantastic! Yesterday went off without a hitch and having just finished her second treatment only a few hours ago, things went just as well today. All of her blood-word has been coming back with positive results and her doctors continue to be satisfied with her progress both mentally and physically.

If I can think of one thing that is different this round of chemo from her first round, I'd say Mom is much more independent and confident during her stay at Rahway. I think the first time around she was quite nervous not knowing what would come of the chemo, but now having gone through it once she has a much better idea of what's in store. I can truly say she is the same old Janice nowadays. The only difference is she's got a hip new "do" and she hangs out at a hospital four days every three weeks.

Oddly enough, over the past few days I (Andy) haven't thought much about putting up a new post on the site because she's been so "normal" lately that you can almost go a day without even thinking about her cancer. (Just talk to her on the phone for 5 minutes and you'll see exactly what I mean!) But I think the more normal things get, the better! Not only for Mom, but for the whole family. My best friend's mother (Kathy Monaco) told me a very true statement the other night when she said "If your Mom has cancer, your whole family's got it." Ain't it the truth??? I have no doubt that none of us can truly relate to the feelings Mom has felt these past few months. But what I do know is that we've felt every bit of pain, fear, hope, and sheer joy just as she has in our own ways. And that is the quality our family has that makes me proud to be a part of it.

Stay posted for more on mom's progress during her second round of chemo!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gil ,Charlie Andrew Great job!!!!!!!you are the best what a tribute to your mom we all love her and she will fight this xoxoxoxoxoxo aunt Debbie