
Hair, Hair, Everywhere!

Laura slept over on Friday night, so when we woke up, we went downstairs to say, "good morning" to the family. Mom tells me that she was trying to make us English Muffins, but couldn't because when she realized they were covered in hair once she started buttering them. She felt so bad, but it was really such a sweet thought to me. Even in the midst of such a chaotic time, she thinks of us. Anyway, I just thought that was a nice story.

Today was Mom's 2nd round of chemo and everything went swimmingly. Before she started the treatment, they checked her blood, and everything was good and healthy. I was told that she was a little bit more "loopy" cause of the meds for about 3 hours today. But it works out well because in the end, I'm sure Mom doesn't remember too too much of it, and Nanny and Dad get some free entertainment for a few hours.

So back to my original story about the english muffin, you can tell that Mom's situation has been getting pretty "hairy" (sorry... I had to), so to make things a little more manageable, Chuck shaved her down to pretty much nothing. She says her hair (or what's left of it) still is sore, but at least she doesn't have big chunks falling out everywhere. Those of you who have been talking to her know just how gross it has been for her, waking up to a pillow covered in hair. Not a fun time...

Other than that, everything is pretty calm around these parts. We anticipate that Mom will be pretty "up and at em" tomorrow because she generally gets one good day before she starts feeling sick and sore. Both Dad and I will be around the next few days to help out if need be. So for now, keep the TEAM JLO donations flowing and the good thoughts rollin!



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