
Mom's Latest Update

Mom was admitted to Rahway hospital last Wednesday due to dehydration and other issues which we thought were associated with her chemotherapy treatment. Unfortunately, today we found out that mom's cancer has spread to her colon. Her doctors are working to find the best solution for her at this point. Right now it looks like she will undergo a procedure later this week to place a stint within the colon to prevent it from being blocked completely by the tumor. This will no doubt be followed by a new regiment of chemotherapy.

While this news has hit us all very hard please know that mom is strong and we are all standing by her side. Your continued prayers and good thoughts are much appreciated.

Thank You,
Mom's Boys


Round One- Done!!!!

Mom had her first treatment today with her two new chemos. She did great and is really fighting against some pretty crappy lingering side effects from the previous chemo. Daily she's been dealing with more or less constant aching in her side where the disease has apparently spread. Her docs tell us that these two chemos will stop the pain and stop the growth of any new tumors.

Great Job Today Mom!!!!!!!

Your Boys


Avastan and Cytoxan it is

Mom went to the doc today and after reviewing her reports from the last scan he's put her Avastan and Cytoxan. With the combination of these two her doctor hopes to stop and further growth of any tumors.

Please continue to keep her in your prayers and I'll keep we'll be sure to keep you updated

Mom's Boys