
Rep Barton Dosent Want To Move

I spoke to Rep. Barton's (Tx) Health L.A yesterday with limited success. The bottom line is that he dose not want to move until he gets NIH reform. His aide informed me that it's like a pie, and youhave to fix the pie before adding any more pieces (Johanna's Law). When I asked if she could give me a time frame for the passing of the reform she told me almost if i were a child "that's not how Washington works!!!! we dont do timelines" Then she said if there is no progress in 6 months on the NIH reform they might consider passing some dieaese specific legislation. I then informed her of how many more thousands of women would be told that have ovarian cancer and how many more would die in that time. That got her a little bit, but to no avail she is going to refer me to some individuals on the appropriations committee and advised me to contact local trade associations that would have a "stake " in the law. Seems like it's always back to the almighty dollar in Washington. So, that's where that's at, but I have just begun, so let's see what's coming next.......to be continued

Chuck Lopez

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