
Chemotherapy: Day 1

Mom went in at around 6:30am to start preparations for her first Chemotherapy treatments. For those of you who don't really know what chemo is I'd suggest checking out this website. http://www.chemotherapy.com/treating_with_chemo/treating_with_chemo.jsp But a quick definition would be "a series of treatments where chemical agents are administered systematically to stop cancer cells from growing. In mom's case, she's receiving her chemo through an I.V. There are many different types of chemo that are available to treat many different types of tumors and cancer. Given the fact that mom's tumor isn't found as often as other tumors, her chemo will be somewhat more aggressive so that they shrink every last bit that's still inside.

When I left the hospital at around 7pm tonight mom was her normal self. Well... that's not entirely true. She actually didn't threaten to call security on Dad today, but that's a different story! But she was feeling as healthy as ever and kept telling us that she was going to get through it no matter what. And I think THAT attitude is going to make all the difference. The doctors told us from the beginning that beating this cancer may be extremely difficult. That might be true, but the bottom line is that everyone is different and mom is living proof already that if you stay positive and you keep fighting, you can do anything!

**I added a new link to the "Ovarian Cancer Links" entry, but you can check it out by clicking here ---> http://pathology2.jhu.edu/ovca/personal.cfm

1 day of chemo down, 3 more to go!

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