
Doxil It Is

Mom started her new chemo yesterday. This time she's taking a chemo called Doxil. It sounds like it's going to be a bumpy ride with this one, but mom seems up for the fight. Apparently when innitally administering Doxil the nurses watch you closely in the first few minutes for breating difficulty. Mom said "How do you know if I am having trouble" and the nurse replied "You'll stop breathing and your face turns red" At least they are subtle about it. Anyhow, mom made out pretty good yesterday. She was a bit tired last night we had to give her a shot of Elie and Kemo (our dog) which always cheers her up.
On another note, dad had to leave town this morning for Florida first thing because his father passed away yesterday. It seems like the $#%! always hit's the fan at the worst times. Dad's doing ok, but we know he wants to be here with mom. He'll be back by Sunday so until then we'll hold the fort down.

Keep mom and dad in your prayers.


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