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Friends and Family

I just want to thank you all for your support throughout the fire commissioner election. Although the final result was not in our favor, we had a tremendously strong showing. In fact we brought a record turn out.

This has been one of the greatest learning experiences of my life and it would not have been possible if it were not for some very special people. I hope I don’t leave anyone out, but I want to thank Tanya Hamlett, Rudy Morales, Howie and Carmella Schaneman and Chuck Collins from St. John’s EMS for hitting the streets with me. I want to thank my closest friends, my entire family, all of my aunts and uncles, my mother-in-law, my grandmother, my brothers and epically my mother Janice and my father Gil who stood by me the entire time. Finally, I want to thank my wonderful wife Lauren and my beautiful daughter Elie who gave me the freedom to chase down this challenge and to take a risk that very few ever do. They continue to be my motivation and my greatest supporters.

While some of you may not be happy with the results, please find solace in the fact that it's not the outcome that is important, but it's how hard you worked to get there. At the end of the day I can rest easy and say we ran a clean, positive, tough campaign. I put my heart into it and got out much more than I gave. For that I am thankful most.

Thank You All,

Chuck Lopez

Former Candidate for Fords Fire Commissioner

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