
"A Silver Lining"

This whole experience is truly a mess. Since day 1 when Mom was diagnosed, it's nothing but bad news piled on top of bad news. A few months ago we thought we received even more bad news when Mom's numbers were going up again. If the tests were accurate then this would mean that she'd have cancer for a fourth time which would likely mean more chemo.

Thankfully, we've gotten what some might consider "good news". Mom had a CAT Scan recently that showed up negative. Dr. Canavan said that there was no visible signs of anything growing or developing on or near any major organs. This means a few things. First it means that if her original CA125 test was accurate, whatever cancer is growing is so small and insignificant that the Doc really sees no need to worry right away. Secondly it means that she can stay off Chemo, at least for another couple of weeks which is a VERY good thing. Her body will continue to recover and get stronger with each day. In short, among all this bad news, her recent CAT Scan was definitely good news...a silver lining in the midst of chaos.

Mom continues to battle like the "bad ass" she is and will be ready to give cancer another beat down if necessary. We continue to be proud of her as I am sure you all are. Make sure you read the posts down below about our two major fundraising events... the Poker Tournament, and the Teal Night for Life both on April 5th. She would greatly appreciate you coming out if you are free that day. Hope to see you there!!

-Andy Lopez


2nd Annual Teal Night For Life

After a long week at work come party with


At the 2ndst Annual

“Teal Night for Life”

Where: The Olive Branch Bar and Restaurant, New Brunswick NJ

When: Saturday April 5, 2008 @ 8PM

There will be a $ 10.00 donation at the door

Featured will be:


Drink Specials, Great Food

Special Teal Shots



For more information on the event call Chuck Lopez at 732-738-7482

The Olive Branch is located at 37 Bartlett Street New Brunswick, NJ 08901


Shuffle Up and Deal to Fight Ovarian Cancer with


At the 2nd Annual



Where: New Pak Inc, 3614 Kennedy Rd South Plainfield, NJ 07080

When: Saturday April 5, 2008 @ 1PM

Buy In: ($25.00 to pot and $25.00 donation) No Rebuys

What is TEAM JLO??

Team JLO is a 5K race team created to fundraise and spread awareness for the Sandy Rollman Ovarian Cancer Foundation. Our team is named in honor of the strongest woman we know, Janice Lopez AKA JLO

TEAM JLO is now preparing for the April 26th Sandy Rollaman 5K.

For more information the event

contact Chuck Lopez at 732-738-7482

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Friends and Family

I just want to thank you all for your support throughout the fire commissioner election. Although the final result was not in our favor, we had a tremendously strong showing. In fact we brought a record turn out.

This has been one of the greatest learning experiences of my life and it would not have been possible if it were not for some very special people. I hope I don’t leave anyone out, but I want to thank Tanya Hamlett, Rudy Morales, Howie and Carmella Schaneman and Chuck Collins from St. John’s EMS for hitting the streets with me. I want to thank my closest friends, my entire family, all of my aunts and uncles, my mother-in-law, my grandmother, my brothers and epically my mother Janice and my father Gil who stood by me the entire time. Finally, I want to thank my wonderful wife Lauren and my beautiful daughter Elie who gave me the freedom to chase down this challenge and to take a risk that very few ever do. They continue to be my motivation and my greatest supporters.

While some of you may not be happy with the results, please find solace in the fact that it's not the outcome that is important, but it's how hard you worked to get there. At the end of the day I can rest easy and say we ran a clean, positive, tough campaign. I put my heart into it and got out much more than I gave. For that I am thankful most.

Thank You All,

Chuck Lopez

Former Candidate for Fords Fire Commissioner


Chuck tries on politics and Mom is there to back him up

If you cant tell by the picture, I am running for Fire Commissioner in my town. This is a very small and apparently highly contested office, atleast this year it is. My whole platform is based on keeping the community informed and more involved not to mention providing more training funding for our fire department. This for some reason is an unpopular idea and the local FD is not so crazy about my being involved. I have been told it's because I am an outsider. Hummm why is that so bad.

Well all the drama aside I just want to say my family continues to be my biggest supporters. Last night we had a campaign rally and my family was there by my side. Mom and Nanny however wanted to go around and take out my opponents signs. Arent they bad??? You know mom, always the character. I'll keep you posted as the election is coming up next Saturday.



What's been going on this year????

Here is a little recap for the year since we have last posted.

Mom had an interesteing summer going through chemo while down at LBI, but she was still able to enjoy herself. As the summer came to a close and my wife Lauren's belly grew bigger with our little surprise inside we all looked forward to Andy and Laura's wedding.

Their big day was just amazing. The weather was great, the ceremony was beautiful and food was delicious, but oh yea....Rutgers Lost. Oh we'll we know how that turned out. As the fall moved on actually only several days after the wedding Lauren and I were blessed with our beautiful daughter Elizabeth Clare Lopez "Elie". Mom really enjoyed her fall with her son getting marriend and her newest granddaughter being born. There really was an instant connection between mom and Elie, its so wonderful to see them together.

Since then Lauren and I have learned how to live on minimal sleep. Andy and Laura have learned how to live in minimal space and Gil and Tina are enjoying their new little surprise on the way.......ok, I am just kidding no babies coming....Tina's really gonna kill me for that one.
Gil, Tina and the kids are doing great too. You can find Gil any evening driving all the way up the Turnpike.

We'll be back soon with some pictures of the new family members and events.

Chuck Lopez

WE'RE BACK!!!!!!

It's been almost a year since our last post. I guess we all just got so used to mom doing so well. As some of you know her CA-125 numbers are back up again, but her doc's want to hold off on Chemo for now. Her spirits are great and as she put is "What's the alternative? Give UP?" I think not.

Team JLO is back in full force and we're currently on our way to hitting our $3000.00 goal for this year. If you would like to donate or join our race team click here TEAM JLO.

Andy has dont a great job getting the team off the ground this year and espically with the support of his and Laura's School Sparta High School.

We hope to hear from you all, and continue to stay tuned.

Chuck Lopez