This year, TEAM JLO is bringing back the SUPER BOWL POOL. There will be several opportunities as several different pools will be circulating NJ. One in North Jersey with Andrew, another in Central with Chuck and Dad, and another in Central/South with Gil and Tina. It will be $5 per box. Half of the proceeds will go directly to the Sandy Rollman Ovarian Cancer Foundation, while the other half gets split among the winners! Here is the payout plan:
1st Quarter - $25
2nd Quarter - $50
3rd Quarter - $75
4th Quarter - $100
If you win multiple quarters, you'll win those designated prize amounts.
Additional 2009 events will include oldies but goodies:
> The 4th Annual TEAM JLO Texas Hold 'Em Poker Tournament - Date/Location is TBA
> The 4th Annual TEAM JLO Teal Night for Life Hosted by the Olive Branch Bar and Restaurant in New Brunswick, NJ - Date is TBA
> The 5th Annual Sandy Rollman 5K Run/Walk - April 25, 2009 in Philadelphia, PA.
To join TEAM JLO and/or to donate to our cause, please click here.
Check back often for updates on the Poker Tournament, Teal Night, and other TEAM JLO events. Or you can subscribe to all postings by following the link on the top left.