
Johanna's Law Passed Today in Congress

I just received word from Robin Cohen from the Sandy Rollman Ovarian Cancer Alliance that Johanna's Law passed in the early hours of the morning today in the last session on the 109th Congress. This was a huge battle fought by a nation wide grass roots effort. Sheryl Silver, the sister of Johanna spearheaded this legislation and 2 years later finally got it through. Thank you to all of you who made calls to your representatives and senators. I know each call helped.

This was a new expierence for me in my life. I have never before had the oppertunity to impact or be involved with legislation, and I must say I loved it.
The picture attaced is a picture of Johanna Silver Gordon the woman whom this bill was named for. Click here for more info on the increadible legislation.

Thank you again
Chuck Loepz

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